⚠️ On the platform, only users with an Administrator profile have permission to make changes to the records.
To set the period to be considered in your performance evaluation, on the left sidebar, click on 'Performance', then click on 'Manage reviews'.
On the next screen, in the top right corner, click the blue 'Create Performance Review' button.
Now, select the type of evaluation you want to create: Performance Review or Avaliação de experiência.
The performance evaluation will open in the "1 | Initial Information" tab. In the first field, give your evaluation a name. Then, add the period to be analyzed and the evaluation description. Once you have filled in this information, click 'Next' and continue with the setup.
💡 Tip: The evaluation period can be changed later, as long as its status is "Draft" or "In Progress." To edit the period, go to 'Performance' > 'Manage reviews.' On the next screen, click the three vertical dots and then 'Edit.' Modify the period following the same steps outlined above.