⚠️ On the platform, only users with an Administrator profile are allowed to make changes to the registrations.
Individual sending instruction
To send the performance evaluation result to leaders or employees, you must click on 'Performance' and then on 'Manage reviews'.
Then, select the evaluation you want and click on the three vertical dots, followed by 'Ver detalhes'.
On the next page, click on the "Status" tab. Scroll down to the "Participants" section and select the participant you want to send the result to.
To send the result directly to the selected participant, click on 'Actions' and then on 'Send result to participant'. After that, click 'Send' again and finally confirm by clicking 'Send'.
To send the result to the selected participant's cycle manager, click on 'Actions' and then on 'Send result to manager'. After that, click 'Send' again and finally confirm by clicking 'Send'.
Bulk sending instruction
To send the performance evaluation result to leaders or employees in bulk, follow the same initial steps above.
To send the result to all employees who participated in the evaluation cycle, first click on 'Send result', then click on 'Send to all participants', click 'Send', and then click 'Send' again.
To send the result to all managers who have direct reports participating in the evaluation cycle, click on 'Send result', then click on 'Enviar para todos os gestores', click 'Send', and then click 'Send' again.